Learn to Build WEALTH & Live a Life You LOVE

Learn to Build WEALTH & Live a Life You LOVE










Do you want to create more wealth in your life and don't know where to start?

You are in the right place!   

At Your Money Codes, we believe everyone deserves the ability to create wealth with confidence. Our mission to provide you practical, real-life strategies that lead to lasting financial expansion. We have in-depth conversations about debt, leverage, risk and the stock market. 

We also believe that your thoughts and beliefs about money influence how you build wealth and we are here to support you in clearing limiting patterns around money. 

Our unique blend of strategy and money mindset creates long-lasting and sustainable financial growth.


Do you want to learn how to make money in the stock market and want to be supported along the way?

The Your Money Codes Membership is a community where we use the stock market as a training ground for you to make passive income while expanding your capacity to create wealth in your life for you and your family. 

The membership offers interactive guided investing strategy so that you can experience what it feels like to create wealth in the stock market.

The membership is also more than investment strategy. You will be supported in the emotional aspects of investing in the market so that you learn to make clear and confident financial choices when investing.



Do you feel financially complacent?  Does it feel like something is in the way of you growing financially?

If you are are feeling stuck financially, you may be experiencing a block in your money frequency. Your money frequency is your thoughts and your beliefs about money. When it comes to money, your actions are a direct reflection of our money frequency. 

In the Money Frequency Course, you will learn the concepts of money frequency and money as action to unpack the correlation between your thoughts and beliefs with money and how you spend, earn and invest money.  

We help you see your contractions around money through risk tolerance, debt and leverage and help you transform your contractions through awareness and strategy into expansion. We create a safe and nurturing space where you can explore your relationship to creating wealth. 



Hi, We're Crystal and Bodhi. We are wealth creators. We love building wealth. For the past 20 years, we have been creating and implementing wealth strategies and living the life WE want. We are building wealth through real estate, the stock market, business ownership and more. We started small, buying our first piece of real estate to now owning a multi-million dollar real estate portfolio. We went from buying our first share of stock to trading a multi-million dollar brokerage account. We’ve created and sold several businesses. Our life is filled with freedom, choice and growth and we want that for you. We want to show you how YOU can create and build wealth. We want YOU to have a life that YOU love.

What Clients Have to Say...

A Perfect Combination…

I feel connected, aware, and powerful! It's rare to find such a perfect combination of actionable skills and mindset work. I find myself constantly challenged and supported in the work I'm doing! From uncovering limiting beliefs to learning how to make informed decisions, Bodhi & Crystal have changed the way I see and use money and I couldn't be more grateful!

- Madison

I’m Open to Receiving More...

“In this program, I realized that I had been thinking that when I was spending money, I felt as if I was losing something. Now I understand that when I am spending money, I am sending it out into the world to expand my experience, and to expand the experience of others."

- Matt